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Editor in Chief

forgotten cryptid. avid craft maker. bad horror film enthusiast. candle hoarder.


Veronica Mattaboni is a poet and editor living in Pennsylvania. She holds a B.A. in Writing and an MFA in Poetry from Spalding University. Her work has been featured in: Popshot QuarterlyMenacing Hedge, The Offing, and Penn and Anvil Press, home of her chapbook Swing All The Way Up And Smack, among others. She is a 2020 Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Nominee.

Veronica Mattaboni

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Associate Editor

poet, musician, and teacher. loves experimental forms of narrative. also loves Chipotle.


Martin Hopson is a poet and educator from Pennsylvania. He holds a B.S.Ed and M.A. in Creative Writing from West Chester University of Pennsylvania. Currently, he teaches American Literature and Film as Literature. His work has been featured in The Chachalaca Review and Panoply Magazine.

Martin Hopson

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Associate Editor

freshly an adult. trying to make sense of the world through vigorous journaling and heartfelt poetry.


Kirsten Magas is a poet and editor living in Pennsylvania. She is pursuing a B.A. in English at West Chester University. Her creative writing and journalistic work can be found in various West Chester publications, including Daedalus, Literati, and The Quad, and Philadelphia Style Magazine.

Kirsten Magas

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Associate Editor

nonfiction writer who owns a flannel for each day of the week, if there were nine days in a week. enjoys believing in things with no explanation, but only after 2am.


Max graduated from West Chester University in 2019 with a degree in Communication Studies, and minor in Creative Writing. He currently works at the Pennsylvania State Senate in the communications department. Max's poem "New Holland Road on a Rainy Day," won Best Poem from Daedalus Literary Magazine, and his one-act monologue "Revisions," has been produced by both WCU's Theatre Department, and Bayard Rustin High School.

Max James

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Associate Editor

novelist. beverage snob. party queen. dungeon master. no harm, no foul.


Lauren is a writer living in Philadelphia, currently working towards publication while she cranks out novels. She holds a degree in Rhetoric from West Chester University of Pennsylvania.

Lauren Christ

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Design Editor

poet. musician. king of the dragons. comic enthusiast. just trying to exist.


Braxton is an award-winning designer and art director, currently acting as PV Mag’s Design Editor. He acts as the press’s Visual Ops lead, designing and directing the art for each issue. Braxton owns a marketing agency called Bandt Agency and his work has been featured in spaces such as the Telly Awards, the Washington Post, and Peach Velvet Mag. 


When he’s not working on PV Mag, Braxton enjoys evangelizing User Experience Design, reading folklore, and exploring new cities near you. He currently holds an B.S. in Digital Communications.

Braxton Kocher

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